i recently learned that one of my friends got the boot from pensacola christian college. because of me.
as many people know, the school does not like me at all. in fact, the administration kicked me out when they found out i am gay. and now, they booted a friend because i got together with a group of students over christmas break. that night, my friends and i went out to eat, got some starbucks, watched
Narnia, and enjoyed being together. at the early hour of 2am, i decided to hop in the ocean in my swimsuit. i dried off, put my warm clothes back on, and we all headed back home to get some sleep before leaving the next day.
sadly, the school thought that those things were reason enough to make my friend pack her things and leave. at least, i believe that was their reasoning. i have attemted to contact dean barbi bear many times to see if i have the facts straight, but she has yet to return my call.
i don't think i will ever understand the administration at the school. i have felt only deciet and malice from those in the administration, but all i can do is forgive them. i know more is bound to happen in this situation, and i am certain the administration will continue to keep their eye on the things i write. but i will say no more. i am letting this go. it's time to move on.
besides, i'm in aspen now; and i really need to get out to the mountain and get some snowboarding in.