Jun 24, 2006


on corndogorama, bearded bands, & wookies

after toiling day and night on this episode, we proudly bring you our very first enhanced podcast EVER. What is this "enhanced podcast" you ask? well, it's like a regular podcast except enhanced with links, photos, and even small little animations about corndogs. the best feature in this new-fangled type of podcast is chapter bookmarks, which allow you to easily access every section of the podcast including each song on the playlist.

these extra "enhancements" will guarantee a more enjoyable podcast experience for you, our listener. if you have already subscribed to our podcast, then it should automatically download into your itunes app. If you would like to subscribe to the best podcast this side of the mississippi (it doesnt matter which side you are on) then simply copy and paste the link below into the "subscribe to podcast" window under "advanced" in your itunes menu bar.


because future 3 red squares podcasts will include enhanced features, they will no longer be accessable from your browser. one final word: for those of you who "refuse" to use itunes, it is possible to download the podcasts in your preferred application, such as juice. you're on your own for that one. enjoy the new and extremely fresh/juicy podcasts.


under the western freeway
am 180

thom yorke
the eraser
black swan

hello graphic missile
cold feelings

the horror

blue scholars
blue scholars

soul position
hand me downs
hand me downs

cold war kids
up in rags
hang me up to dry

how it ends
how it ends

bamnan & silvercork
balloon maker