the prodigious pair of prancers known as the figh gnarts will soon be debuting their new "dance single" which includes all the necessary spins and twirls one would expect in a performancde by ther duo, not to mention more than just a few yards of shiny new gold lamé to package the new product.
so, keep your eyes peeled.

oh good, you're back.
Tell Naomi she has a hot ass.
Or wait, that's not YOUR hot ass, is it?!
Bring on the gold! I can't wait! (P.S. Danny Broderick and I will be looking for you in Pirates next weekend. Hope I don't squeel too loudly if I see you!)
Theresa here. Friend of the Pope's and Charis' roommate. Glad your back. I check this sight religiously and have been more than saddened by the absence of new posts! Can't wait to read on.
i feel loved. thanks for watching kids. kara, keep your eye out for the east india trading company, i may (or somewhat likely may not) be among the ranks. i'll let you know what i see!
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