my friend just informed me that there has been discussion about me on the pcc board recently. actually, the action has been more than just words. apparently, stalwart board veteran ryan debarr was the culprit that got this little butt in the limelight of the administration's ever watchful eye. to interpet myself: this guy thought it would be the right thing to do to report my online profile to the pcc administration. this came after days of talk and rumor about my profile by members of the pcc board.
i'm glad that there were some kind souls watching out for me. i certainly didn't have time for any of that myself, as i was preparing my senior graphic design show as a prerequisite for my graduation in may.
funny thing is, dean maclaughlin commented to me that the administration had merely "stumbled" across my profile. of course i knew that was a lie, but now i know the truth.
despite the fact that i had been kicked out, i could still carry out my plan to wish my friend annie a very happy 21st birthday. at least now i wouldn't be fearful of getting a lot of demerits... and maybe i could hype it a bit more. the school couldn't do anything to me except give me a littering fine. i can deal with that. except...the citation was actually for trespassing. understandable, i suppose. most pcc-ers take note of the threatening way former students are treated after they have been given the boot. it would have been nice, however, for the deans to stop accosting my brother every time he went on campus to visit his friends during thanksgiving. don't worry, sean believes homosexuality is a sin too. he isn't trying to carry out the ill wishes of his evi older brother.
ps - please don't confuse this gay blog of mine as an attempt to solicit myself for sex...