on the road to mendoza, zander and i took part of the argentine ritual of drinking mate (it's pronounced ma-tay). in the past, the yerba was known to offer medicinal or healing powers. now, it's just a cultural ritual bringing together friends from all walks of argentine life. and it's delicious...once you get past the distinct hay-farm-horse taste it seems to have. let's just say it's an acquired taste.
Cultural experience, eh guys? Were you drinking it cold or hot? I know it's consumed both ways in different parts of the continent. When Ginny and I were in Paraguay, we were schooled in the local tradition. There, it is consumed cold and, while the leaf is called mate, the beverage is called terrere. It's a social custom which takes the form of an afternoon break. Everyone sits in a circle, and the guampa (cup made from a steer's horn) is passed around with the bombilla. Not necessarily sanitary compared to American standards, but a great time of social connection all the same.
Hey, when do you guys get back? How's the weather? It's autumn, almost winter, right?
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