that is why i welcome to my fold the newest members of the i HEART scooter fanclub*. despite the fact that i will only pour out my undying veneration towards that specific vehicle the vespa, i will still give credit to the two-wheeled where credit is due.
marian rides a smallish vino, perfect for her pint-sized petitness, while jon just purchased the no-longer-produced stella, the stylish vespa tribute. may the scootering continue. may you all find this happiness. may you all ride in joy. may you all eventually get a vespa.

*the i-HEART scooter fanclub honorary membership does not necessarily imply that these scooter owners have any knowledge of this organization.
scooters are so in right now. even if people don't know what they are, everyone wants a vespa right now.
i've been getting all of the podcasts and having a podcast marathon lately because i miss the music and humor you'n'mark provided.
gts 250, alll the way! a few body details and the all-electronic spedo/gas panel make it the hottest version yet. And why settle for 200 when you can get 250? It comes in red too--probably the best-looking vespa out there.
I must say it is quite an honor to be a charter member of the i-heart scooter club. We should totally meet up for a rally sometime (of course, if you are both on GT and GTS 250, you might leave me in the dust, as I max out at 60 mph--however, when your Vespas run out of gas, I will be put-putting past you on my 100 MPG two-stroke...tortoise and the hare my friends, tortoise and the hare). Seriously, though, I think you guys should come to P'Cola for a scooter parade through PCC's campus.
It now remains for me to name my scoot. I'm thinking St. Brigid, the patron saint of educators--seeing as I primarily use the Stella for my five-minute commute to and from the school. Or perhaps, Martin, for St. Martin of Tours, patron saint of horsemen, for, well, obvious reasons.
If I know anything about you at all, and I think I do, I also know that you have a deep passion and an ever-burning love for made for tv Disney movies, as well as scooters.
Check out and start a Vespa Revolution!!!
Send your stories pics and adventures to and help support today's newest scooter movement!!!
i heart vespa
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