Oct 8, 2006
i HEART ugly
although i was riding my vespa somewhere down the coast on the 405 at the time, my nationally syndycated tv debut was—apparently—a raging success. after much fan correspondence via phone calls, emails, myspace comments, blog comments, and blog postings, i am satisfied to know that, despite the lack of any spoken words on my behalf, the general public was receptive to my appearance (co-starring with the plate of hot, steaming empenadas) on ugly betty last thursday.
i would like to thank central casting, my friends at OTR for their support and quick snatch of the above photo, and my mother for growing my fan base by showing the recorded clip to her freshman algebra students. thank you.

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Atta kid. Watch out, Raven!
PATRICK! Why didn't you tell us this was going to be on??? Congratulations!
geez, at least warn us next time you're going to be guest starring on sweaty betty.
even i had to hear it from two friends who, although they've never met you, had to rewind a few times because they "swore they saw sean's brother on tv."
although it was fabulous acting, that was a classic pat-face if i've ever seen one. and i know you know the one i'm talking about too.
yes, sean, i do. i was thinking about you the entire time.
and marian, you are so right. it took every bit of acting to keep me from sneaking off the set to snatch up an empanada from that plateful of latin goodness.
Not to mention all of the family friends she shared it with too! Awesome, Pat, seriously! I hear that we should be watching Las Vegas a week from Friday night too. Is that true?! Very excited for you...
looks like soilent green is on the menu
Okay, so I meant to comment last week, and our internet died! Missed Ugly Betty but LOVE LOVE LOVE ABC for putting it on the internet. I watched it after reading your blog, and was very excited to see you in action! Go you! Congrats, Patrick!
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