whereas, i may have had run-ins with the guys due to my own beligerent bullheaded actions, there are also times that bouncers unbiasedly impose their overbearing egos on the weakest victim in their path. such was the case with me and the bouncer at broadway bar last friday night. i don't exactly feel like recounting the story, since every friend or stranger has asked about my very visible black eye this last week, so i'm just going to say that the bouncer shoved me to the ground; i grabbed his leg; he punched me twice in the face and then handcuffed me. the police came an hour and a half later, only to write up a report stating that i was a victim in the case.
that was a week ago. the reason i am writing about this incident 6 days later is because i once again am angry at the testosterone-filled pushy men that work at bars. an incident occurred at a karaoke bar tonight in burbank. the karaoke stage is filled with props, wigs, costumes, and hats. (by the way, the karaoke bar has a live feed online. if you ever want to see me sing karaoke, i can send a little text and you can log on to see the event) during both of the two songs i sang on stage, i donned some sort of silly attire in which to perform. later, as i was dancing on the floor adjacent to the karaoke stage, i was accosted by some lame guy that worked the door, telling me to take off a hat i was wearing (that i had pulled from the costume pile) and that i was not allowed to wear it inside. later in the night, i was wearing a different hat from the pile, and a different man came and yelled at me for wearing that hat. if the first guy had said "you can only wear the costumes when you are singing on stage" i would have understood. but that's not what he said.
i realize this story is missing a few details, but i'm too annoyed to leave the whole story here. basically it amounts to this: bouncers are full of themselves, and i'm pissed off at them. i did not argue with the bouncer tonight only because the cocktail waitress saw the whole incident and apologized to me, noting the guy's power trip.
this is my rant. this is my rave. thank you for reading, and please--if you want to leave a comment critical of my actions, please take a moment to talk to me first for all the gory details. in the meantime, i leave with you a picture i took of myself today. and this looks a lot better than it did saturday.

nice shiner there son! beeee careful out there. you may want to look into health insurance at some point, or should it be life insurance?!
You poor guy! Next time you go karaoke-ing, you better sing Amazed, and I want to actually hear you doing it one time!! :)
yes, there is a lot of blood in my eye. it keeps spreading, and it scares people.
marian, do you remember the last time we were at karaoke together? not so pretty.
michelle, i willl let you know. it will be beautiful.
Oh, Pat, I'm so sorry about the eye. It does look pretty vicious. You may have a career of just getting in the way of bouncers. =)
Forget Raven. That's SO Patrick.
Hi Pat! It's your SISTER- missing you and sorry we haven't talked. I came across a good slogan "share the adventure"- thanks for doing that so eloquently. You have a nack for making any situation you find yourself in into a captivating read. You and your brothers are also so amazing at making friends in any situation. I love that about you guys. ...looking forward to seeing you on the big screen, but more so in person. Love you.
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