Oct 14, 2006

busy bussing

i know that, by the time you finish reading this post, you may have serious doubts as to the benefits of riding two wheels and, more specifically, a vehicle in the family known as vespa. in order to mitigate accusations against my beloved ride, i would like to offer this concession: over the last year, i have ridden my vespa, and i have ridden it hard. over mountains, prairies, hills, deserts, and metropolitan streets and freeways, there is little landscape that henry has yet to tread. not only has the little green guy travelled so far, but he has maintained upper speeds of 75 and 80 mph, which isn't necessarily typical of a little scooter. that is to say: if problems persist with the health of the vespa, i may be partially to blame.

henry recently spent a few nights in the hospital. after not being able to get him started earlier this week, i called the scooter shop, the towing company, and other necessary parties to find out the best course of action to get him back into working order in as little time as possible. during the few days this week that i was without a ride, i had no choice but to utilize the vast and utterly inconvenient system of public transportation in the los angeles metropolitan area. the metro, as this city's network of busses and trains is called, is not exactly confusing, but if it were, i think the problem then posed would be of little consequence due to the surplus of time one is left with while waiting for and riding a bus that is at the mercy of crammed and crowded streets that cover the expanse of the city. although the hours it takes to merely run a few errands in several points of the city have become a drag, the first few nights of sitting on the bus, pulling out a book, and actually relaxing during the hour-long traverse were welcome. suddenly, the intimate nature of a city that is so easily bypassed in a speeding ride became imminently visible when i walked a few blocks to the bus stop and used the minutes of waiting to notice the details in just one tiny section of the city. usually, i would miss the names of the 15 shops crammed into the stripmall and not even take notice of the small gallery, shop, or restaurant lining the street in my own neighborhood, let alone the bustling micro-community of another one of the countless intersections in the city.

that's why, yesterday before boarding another rambling bus, i was happy to get to know a little bit about a strip just south of beverly boulevard on la brea, one of central la's most trafficed streets. in only a few moments, i managed to gain a small appreciation for the liveliness of the neighborhood, even if it's name is less recognizable than west hollywood, los feliz, or my own beloved area, silver lake.

last night, i picked up henry, ready to roll and running smoothly. there's no replacement for a vehicle in los angeles (not to mention a two-wheeled beauty!), but it wouldn't be a suprise if i once again find myself boarding the city bus only a few blocks from my house, ready for an excursion to a new part of the city that before was merely a drive-by blur.

(thank you to my new friend hatnim for the use of her lovely photo)


team group leader said...

the only thing wrong with henry was a bad battery connection. apparently the last guy to touch the battery didn't totally get the battery screwd in properly, so this last week it finally beacome completely detached. so, no real problems; only stupid mechanic's overlooking the details.

Anonymous said...

glad you have your ride back. need your mountain bike anytime soon as a backup?

Anonymous said...

i heart vespa i heart vespa i heart vespa!

Support today's newest scooter movement.


Anonymous said...

so patrick. this is charis-the-pensacola-art-teacher. recently mentioned to a sixth grade girl, Alexandra- during a private art lesson that i had a friend appearing in the next Pirates movie. just days later, a second sixth grade private lesson student- Hannah- mentioned the conversation. "uh, alexandra wants me to ask you something. could your friend maybe get Orlando Bloom's cell phone number?" i laughed. moved on with the lesson. "uh, i think alexandra does really want it." i was taken aback. no, i don't think so, alex. nice try.