Oct 24, 2006

i HEART the figh gnarts

while many will be busy this week scrounging up the last scraps of dated clothing from the picked-over racks at thrift stores in preparation for the coming weekend's frightening festivities, i will be hard at work preparing for the debut online performance of my recently formed dance duo, the figh gnarts. inspired by what is only the best musical compilation of the 20th century, the figh gnarts have developed telling dance routines to express the passion and beauty of the thoughtful lyrics and innovative beats of the abba gold album.

debuting october 31st on youtube, the first figh gnarts first single will feature choreography set to the tune of abba's sos in a delightfully ambitous performance somewhere amid the sprawling streets of the los angeles metropolis. as it is the mission of the figh gnarts to bring the love and appreciation of the fine arts to the masses, the preferable venue for this performance art is neither venerable dance hall nor reputable art house; rather, it is a place somewhere among the people with whom our paths cross on the street corners, bus stations, and sidewalks of our lives.

stay tuned for news of the figh gnarts's first video as well as exclusive information about the very first live performance!


Kara Leigh said...

Waiting with bated breath...

motion-beam said...

remember that song "Sendn' out an SOS?" is this song as grrrrrrrreat?

Anonymous said...

Now I'm disappointed. I thought the debut would be on Saturday night with the video release following closely (As close as mere hours). I didn't know I'd have to wait until Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Dude: That has to be one of the most creative things I have seen you do.Of course you have done many a crazy thing in the name of figh gnarts. You crack me up Patrick! Maybe jumping off a zeppelin with your Moped will be your next adventure? You are one of the most creative persons I know!