my friend just informed me that there has been discussion about me on the pcc board recently. actually, the action has been more than just words. apparently, stalwart board veteran ryan debarr was the culprit that got this little butt in the limelight of the administration's ever watchful eye. to interpet myself: this guy thought it would be the right thing to do to report my online profile to the pcc administration. this came after days of talk and rumor about my profile by members of the pcc board.
i'm glad that there were some kind souls watching out for me. i certainly didn't have time for any of that myself, as i was preparing my senior graphic design show as a prerequisite for my graduation in may.
funny thing is, dean maclaughlin commented to me that the administration had merely "stumbled" across my profile. of course i knew that was a lie, but now i know the truth.
despite the fact that i had been kicked out, i could still carry out my plan to wish my friend annie a very happy 21st birthday. at least now i wouldn't be fearful of getting a lot of demerits... and maybe i could hype it a bit more. the school couldn't do anything to me except give me a littering fine. i can deal with that. except...the citation was actually for trespassing. understandable, i suppose. most pcc-ers take note of the threatening way former students are treated after they have been given the boot. it would have been nice, however, for the deans to stop accosting my brother every time he went on campus to visit his friends during thanksgiving. don't worry, sean believes homosexuality is a sin too. he isn't trying to carry out the ill wishes of his evi older brother.
ps - please don't confuse this gay blog of mine as an attempt to solicit myself for sex...
I'm on PCCBoard and I have to say that really sucks about what happened to you:(
I didn't know you very well at PCC but I had alot of friends who were Graphic Design and Music Majors who hung out with you. You always seemed nice.
Anyways I wish you best of luck in your newfound freedom!!
Hi Patrick,
I'm Charity's friend, and I hope you don't consider this horrible gossip, but she told me about what happened with you because she knew I always thought you were cool and she was so upset about how your situation came about.
I was actually a floorleader at PCC. I graduated in 2003. However, I have learned enough about life to realize that PCC makes a mockery of Christianity. I despise their tactics of expulsion and excommunication. They never taught us how to approach the true, real life issues of sexuality; instead they forced everyone to conform to a ridiculous human standard. I am so sorry for the way you were treated. I just wanted to let you know that.
I have a blog as well--you're welcome to check it out. www.brainchildhome.blogspot.com. I hope you truly find joy outside the bubble!
sucks what the ass did. best of luck, pccb sucks.
It was a shitty thing that was done to you. Stuff like this bites people on the ass years later. Ryan DeBarr will get his.
If you were gay, why did you go back to PCC? Especially knowing where they stand.
oh no, i'm commenting on your blog, i must be soliciting myself for gay sex too.
btw, the pccboard poster who originally posted the link to your profile on connexion was a poster by the name of lowell porter. he claims that he found it by googling "pensacola christian college" and gay. sounds a bit fishy to me.
sorry about all this. good luck from here.
cb pcc class of 2k wheeeee!
hey. sorry to hear about the craziness. drop over to the board and say hi sometime. we're not all insane idiots even though we may seem like it at times.
as for that thread, keep in mind it was a general discussion about something we didn't know much about. i for one went back and softened up some things i said as i found out more facts.
you seem like a cool person and a good friend to those that know you. don't let one person's actions ruin your life. if you were this close to graduation, odds are good you're a decent artist and should have no trouble finding a good job based on your talents. finish up your senior project at home and use it as a portfolio.
and "hi" to mark and jessie. where the heck are you guys hanging out these days. i gotta say i kinda miss you from inanechat.
guidobob/silentbob/whatever i was when you were there last.
well at least we know the truth now eh old friend? that ryan debarr's a real fucking asshole.
What's up bro. It sounds like you're having a great time in Atlanta. I'm really glad I got to spend time with you in that crapland we call pensacola. The trip was a good last one to that place despite treated like a 15 year old who got kicked out. Have fun wherever you are and wherever you plan to go. Drink an extra coffee for me. I love you, and I'll see you in about 20 days.
December 4, 2005
The Temporary Separation of Team Group
PENSACOLA- The break up of Team Group is defiantly wrong in all kinds of ways and sbd. Sux about what happened. But we all know that Movie Nite will be the best day of our lives. As representative of K Ko, FedEx, DHL, Wal Mart and the World I would have to say…. We Heart You!!
PS- thanks for letting me ride our green friend Henry it was the coolest ever.
i'm really sorry you got kicked out
i met you once... in the CA... i thought you were very cute... some girl i talked to months after you were kicked out... she was surprised that it was on an account of you being a homosexual...at first she was disappointed because in her eyes it tainted the cute guy we both see and according to her the guy that was really nice. (i think you went on the dating outing together) but i said that homosexuality ( as we hear over and over ) is just a sin like lying (you know the whole deal) i mean YOU went to PCC! (laugh) but even though you don't know me...i just wanted to let you know that i got you on my mind...
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