after yesterday's
mad pccboard frenzy to post anything and everything relating to my ex-gay-student status at
pensacola christian college, the thread has been terminated. i mean deleted. gone...poof. therefore, the link on my last blog doen't help much. to sum up the case: i'm gay. former pcc-er Lowell Porter found my profile online in which i stated I was gay. having a gay profile automatically means you are soliciting yourself for sex. banned pccboard member ryan debarr decided i had crossed "the" line and reported the profile to the school's administration. pcc kicked me out. but every student at pcc knew i was gay anyway, apparently. even though i'm gay, some people say they still have fun hanging out with me.
that sums it up, so you didn't really miss anything if you missed yesterday's frenzy of postings.

after hearing about the events of yesterday, i decided to move on with my life and go get a cappucino. so here i am at
java vino. at least atlanta has decent coffee joints. i HEART that. the wasteland oftern referred to as pensacola offers the obligatory starbucks or even the somewhat off-beat bad ass coffee, but even that isN'T very interesting. yet another reason to HEARTlanta. and just to satisfy
mark, who is constantly blogging over my shoulder to blog me about my last blog, here's a photoblog just for him.

btw, thank you for all comments relating to the pccboard. as much as i love having people talk about me, i dont always love people giving judgment calls without knowing the full situation. and, yes, sometimes gays are actual people, too.
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