as many people know, the school does not like me at all. in fact, the administration kicked me out when they found out i am gay. and now, they booted a friend because i got together with a group of students over christmas break. that night, my friends and i went out to eat, got some starbucks, watched Narnia, and enjoyed being together. at the early hour of 2am, i decided to hop in the ocean in my swimsuit. i dried off, put my warm clothes back on, and we all headed back home to get some sleep before leaving the next day.
sadly, the school thought that those things were reason enough to make my friend pack her things and leave. at least, i believe that was their reasoning. i have attemted to contact dean barbi bear many times to see if i have the facts straight, but she has yet to return my call.
i don't think i will ever understand the administration at the school. i have felt only deciet and malice from those in the administration, but all i can do is forgive them. i know more is bound to happen in this situation, and i am certain the administration will continue to keep their eye on the things i write. but i will say no more. i am letting this go. it's time to move on.
besides, i'm in aspen now; and i really need to get out to the mountain and get some snowboarding in.

as we all know, it is very unfortunate that pensacola CHRISTIAN school uses ANTI-christian tactics to make themselves look good. Unfortunately many of us have been flat out lied to by the deans...if only they had the testimony their middle name stands for, if only
all of God's children aint free
You just cost us thousands of dollars in airfare, scholarship money, and also College Days airfare for FOUR people in April. Our daughter got kicked out of PCC this afternoon because of you and cried her eyes out. She is totally stunned. She had just met two of the group and trusted "the group" because they were prayer leaders, appointed by PCC's administration. She got permission to attend the gathering from her floor leader. They still kicked her out. Now she has to change her entire life because of you. Was your little stunt on the beach worth it? Life is not a game; your actions have consequences on others. You think you are so funny, taking clothes off in airports and beaches; you are actually very sad and very self centered and heartless. Our daughter loved it at PCC; she had many friends there and will miss them tremendously. Thanks a lot, Joker. You had no right to post pictures of our daughter on your website. She was horrified at your behavior. It seems that your main goal in life is disrupting others' lives and trying desperately to shock people. We have to live with the consequences of your thoughtless actions FOREVER now. Do you have the courage to post this?
if i had any idea that what we did that night (movie, being together, or otherwise) would have put into jeopardy any students, i would not have encouraged any of it, let alone post it on my blog. every student involved had left the pensacola area that night (the only stipulation given by the school) and was therefore out of the school's jurisdiction.
I understand that my actions have an affect on others, however i did not realize the great lengths to which the administration would go to make that happen in this case.
my sincerest apology and regret for the awful things that have happened. it hurts me to know that so many people are angry at me, but it hurts more to know that i have been an instument in causing so many problems in others lives. please accept my apology.
Here is what I do not get,
PCC Says that you are under pcc rules until you leave the area, than why are they trying to control what one does out of the area. That is one of the many things that puzzles me
I too suffered the same fate as you did being kicked out for being gay and serveral of my friends were also shown the door simply for associating with me. This vile place with the christian name has not nor will they ever learn lessons from the past and always will be a stifling place and should be avoided at all costs. I packed my bags and gladly ran back to the comforts of home in Ft Lauderdale
I know that patrick is truly sorry for what happened and if he knew anything would happen to his friends, he wouldn't have done it or posted it. It is so easy for fingers to be pointed at Patrick - and the school loves it.
True, Patrick got kicked out and posted pictures, but does anyone really believe that anyone got kicked out because of him. Has it ever occurred that it is odd that the school would be searching for a blog of a student who got kicked out two months ago? "Let's see what that kid is up to now days? I'm sure he's gone off the deep end as ruining everone else's life. I'm glad we're a Christian school so we don't have to deal with kids like that - because we Christians aren't supposed to help kids we think have gone off the deep end, we kick them out and find who they hang out with and assume they are evil too. That's our perfect Christian policy - Guilty until proven innocent!"
True true, the school told the parent(s) that whoever got kicked out is a result of pat's actions. If that is true, is that a place to have a son/daughter - the actions of others determine your destiny?
*By the way, the sarcasm above is, in my opinion, a fault of the school. A true Christian school would not have the same policies
if by "drugs" you mean "tots" then yes, yes there were.
Pat, whatever possessed you to go to PCC?
as someone who graduated from PCC in 2002, i can attest to the fact that patrick is a beautiful person who brought a lot of people tons of joy while we struggled through our time at that school. PCC has its own agenda for its students, and their academic excellence or personal autonomy and dignity isn't part of it, so to the parent writing above, i know you're upset about losing your money, but after all the work and investment i put in there, i find out 3 years later than i will have to get another bachelor's degree just to get into the master's program i want. your daughter being kicked out will do wonders for her career (if that's what you really care about.) now, if all you want for her is to marry a preacher with a comb-over and live a simple-minded, joyless life which will never include knowing more about herself than her own name, blame Patrick that she'll never attain such heights of greatness. He was an is a good friend who loves life and doesn't happen to live every moment of his life soley for the benefit of other people. That PCC seeks to make enemies out of any (myself included) who have interest in anything besides furthering their ideas and image isn't his fault, or mine, or your daughters. Let it go. I'm sure she is as intelligent as she is beautiful, and will benefit more from being respected in her own right than she will from any vote of confidence from any person at that school. She's ok without their approval...we all are.
i wanted to attend a christian college when i graduated from high school. it so happened that pcc was affordable and they had decent academics. i counted on dealing with the usual annoying rules like lights out, dress code, and no un-chaperoned activity. we all now know that there is much more to deal with at the school than what someone initially bargains for.
thank you to all of my friends who continue to vouch for me or at least speak honestly about the working of the school.
Paranoia, that is one word to define Pensacola. I never had to go through any of the stuff that Patrick had to go through but I was once pulled into Barbie's office for something that a few of my friends did (ordered a Virgin Daquri at Los Rancheros, because of the appearance they were given 25 demerits each). I was given a slip during Bible class, thinking that the slip was for that day, I immediately left class and headed to Barbie's office. I was informed by the secretary that I must return tomorrow, said the date on the slip. So I came back the next day nervous and paranoid that I was on the "midnight train to Georgia". I spend at least 2-3 minutes in Barbie's office only to be asked "Do you know ____ and ___ " yes "Did you know that they were going to order a virgin daquiri" no "Have you ever this drink before" no. and that was it. All that paranoia for just a brief moment of questioning. Rediculous. Patrick, just to emphasize what Angela said, you are a wonderful friend and person and come on , you know just as many showtunes as I do!!!!
Patrick, we are all taking the blame along with you. Just as murder is equal to a little white lie in the world of sin, we are all just as quilty as you are of everything. I am picking myself up and moving on in life knowing that this all happened as a blessing in disguise. Seriously, how would I have benefited from PCC anyways? After losing you, and then Spaz, what more was there to return to? Besides, my parents wouldn't think of letting me go back there in a million years - so elsewhere I will go...smiling, and laughing, and living life the way God intended me to, not cooped up in a fake, irrational bubble in northwest Florida. So please Pat, don't get down on yourself...we are all guilty of things, and this is just another "thing" - we are all still alive right? So cheer up...that gorgous face was definitely NOT made for frowning!
Patrick, we are all taking the blame along with you. Just as murder is equal to a little white lie in the world of sin, we are all just as quilty as you are of everything. I am picking myself up and moving on in life knowing that this all happened as a blessing in disguise. Seriously, how would I have benefited from PCC anyways? After losing you, and then Spaz, what more was there to return to? Besides, my parents wouldn't think of letting me go back there in a million years - so elsewhere I will go...smiling, and laughing, and living life the way God intended me to, not cooped up in a fake, irrational bubble in northwest Florida. So please Pat, don't get down on yourself...we are all guilty of things, and this is just another "thing" - we are all still alive right? So cheer up...that gorgous face was definitely NOT made for frowning!
Good comments. I think that kicking out so many students will actually have the opposite effect PCC intended. They want to protect their reputation? They actually damaged it very, very badly with this episode. Hundreds of people are stunned at the audacity of their system. The students are appalled. Please continue speaking the truth about that night. The way it was handled was so unprofessional, so hysterical, and so Salem witch trial-like. The amazing thing is that several students did not even receive the courtesy of a phone call. They had to call the school to ask if they were "out." It boggles my mind that in America this cult-like system exists. Maybe not for long. . . perhaps this time they went too far.
they always go too far....IT'S IN THEIR NATURE.
Restoration and counseling should be the hallmarks of a Christian educational institution. That is, assuming a student actually did something wrong. Inthis case they don't even tell students what crime they committed.
They don't even treat students like human beings. They don't even give phone calls to students out of common courtesy. It boggles the mind how they can treat students like that.
I have a close friend who graduated from PCC and is now married. While a student, she did many non-pcc things, both on campus and off and knew of many of these activites. I could have gotten kicked out because of association, and I brought to her attention this concern of mine and she told me that she would never bring up in any official conversation any name but herself and that if other people were involved that it would be there responsibility to turn themselves in. I think this should be an attitude that we should all try to follow.
This song speaks volumes:
Is there anyone that fails/Is there anyone that falls/Am I the only one in church today feelin' so small/
Cause when I take a look around/Everybody seems so strong/I know they'll soon discover/That I don't belong/
So I tuck it all away, like everything's okay/If I make them all believe it, maybe I'll believe it too/So with a painted grin, I play the part again/So everyone will see me the way that I see them
Are we happy plastic people/Under shiny plastic steeples/With walls around our weakness/And smiles to hide our pain/But if the invitation's open/To every heart that has been broken/Maybe then we close the curtain on our stained glass masquerade
Is there anyone who's been there/Are there any hands to raise/Am I the only one who's traded/In the altar for a stage
The performance is convincing/And we know every line by heart/Only when no one is watching/Can we really fall apart
But would it set me free/If I dared to let you see/The truth behind the person/That you imagine me to be
Would your arms be open/Or would you walk away/Would the love of Jesus/Be enough to make you stay?
Are we happy plastic people/Under shiny plastic steeples/With walls around our weakness/And smiles to hide our pain/But if the invitation's open/To every heart that has been broken/Maybe then we close the curtain our our stained glass masquerade . . .
By Casting Crowns: Lifesong
How 'bout this one:
Suspect Fled the Scene
by David Bazan
old friend
your horse is ready to ride
when morning comes
from this church town
where damning rumors drip
from holy tongues
it won't go away
the fever
to find a scapegoat fast
and fix the blame
i know
you never meant to leave
the way you came
looking down
from their stained glass steeples
they'll never know
why you had to run
ride as fast as you can
they're shooting to kill
I heard a rumor last night that 15 students got the boot. Does anyone know if this is true? I so hate rumors that go around that aren't true.
Love the Beka site.
everyone who was at "movie night 2005" after last semester was over got kicked out. i think it was 10 people-not 15. although, i'm not positive. i haven't heard from anyone lately...
i heard one of the guys was asleep the whole time and got kicked out anyway.
What!!! Kicked out for being asleep! That is a new low.
no one gets it unless they have been at PCC. Explaining it to someone...yeah no.
I have good memories and bad memories from that school.
The more strict and more restraining you are the more "rebellion" you'll get.
PCC hits the top charts for being wacked.
This comment is for Jessica's parents (the ones who wrote the nasty comment directed towards Patrick) and anyone else who is interested, and for Patrick, he didn't deserve any of the shit he got. Patrick did not cost you thousands of dollars in airfare, tuition or anything else. Your daughter did. As far as I know, Jessica is an adult. She can make her own decisions. She is also a liar. She chose to attend movie night as did everyone else who was there. She was not "stunned" at Patrick's actions, she laughed and had a good time, with everyone else. Oh, btw, did Jessica also "receive permission" to ride alone in a car with Bobby, even though everyone else in "the group" was riding together in two cars (4-5 per car). Why did they she and Bobby insist on riding alone together? They knew that was against the rules. So is having a make-out fest in Bobby's car. I think that's probably what they were doing when they "lost" everyone else on the way to the mall. Yeah, that's right, they arrived there a bit later then the rest of "the group". Your daughter should have been the first among us to get kicked out. We shouldn’t have gotten kicked out because of what Patrick did, he wasn't even a student. Your daughter's actions put all of team group in danger, and we hadn't even met her before that night. Her slutty clothes that she changed into immediately upon leaving campus sure let us know that she is very "self centered and heartless" and all she wanted was a little fun with Bobby in the backseat. You owe Pat a huge apology. You and your daughter should be "horrified" at your own actions. How could you write something like that to Patrick? You need some serious help.
OK, people. You need to CHILL the F*** out. PCC is not even an ACCREDITED institution of higher education. Do you understand what this means? It means the diploma/placemat/whatever you receive after completing your prison sentence there is NOT WORTH A DIME IN THE REAL WORLD. i.e. most employers would not consider it any better than a mere high school diploma. Therefore, anyone who is kicked out of there was actually given a favor! Go to an accredited university and study your religion in church if you want. THAT will get you ahead in the real world.
i pooped in a sink and they kicked me out
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