Jan 30, 2006

airport SBD

we all know that airports can be a pain. we are all aware of the frustrations of airport security, and sometimes those frustrations can lead to foolish actions (believe me, i know). obviously, traveling would be a little better if a few people out there took a few deep sighs, closed their eyes, and took a moment to relax. however, this does not necessarily entail whipping out your tights, yoga mat, and etherial music in the middle of the concourse. or outside the gate. or anywhere. in fact, it SHOULDN'T BE DONE.

unfortunately, not everyone realizes that. please--keep yoga for your own special time-out and off the tarmack. i implore you. please.


sean said...

Airport yoga masters are super sketch

Mark Weaver said...

airport yoga = SBD
YMCA yoga = MBD

Jennifer said...

LOL! I couldn't agree more!