kudos to steel skies for a thoughtful recreation of the record store for our own computers (and thanks to mark for mentioning it). cover flow is a beautiful program which compiles a visual representation of your itunes library for browsing and playing from your mac's desktop. still in development stages, cover flow let's you browse your albums as you would handle them in a record store or in your home. in the creator's own words "one of the big appeals of a physical album is the beautiful packaging and aesthetic appeal, something that’s sorely missed with the digital equivalent." well, miss it no more.
available ony for mac osx tiger, of course.
Hi Patrick,
I hope everything is going well and that your holidays were spectacular. I am currently working at Barnes and Nobel and I love it, and I will be returning to school(a local community college, not pcc) to get a certificate in Juvenile Justice. Keep in touch,
but marian its FREE and COOL...
oh keep quiet you!
Well, I like it. Can't wait for the full version.
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