Feb 7, 2006


check out this great short flick from sevenohfive. this is a message that needs to be heard.


Mark Weaver said...

who can tell the difference between asian americans and mexicans nowadays?

ckjolly said...

ha! thanks Patrick! I'm going to spread the message.

team group leader said...

marian, do you have the quicktime plugin? that's all you should need to get it to load.

Mark Weaver said...

well yes, I am joking. you'll understand once you watch the movie.

Anonymous said...

****This comment is for anyone still thinking about the pcc incident last month.******
This comment is for Jessica's parents (the ones who wrote the nasty comment directed towards Patrick) and anyone else who is interested, and for Patrick, he didn't deserve any of the shit he got. Patrick did not cost you thousands of dollars in airfare, tuition or anything else. Your daughter did. As far as I know, Jessica is an adult. She can make her own decisions. She is also a liar. She chose to attend movie night as did everyone else who was there. She was not "stunned" at Patrick's actions, she laughed and had a good time, with everyone else. Oh, btw, did Jessica also "receive permission" to ride alone in a car with Bobby, even though everyone else in "the group" was riding together in two cars (4-5 per car). Why did they she and Bobby insist on riding alone together? They knew that was against the rules. So is having a make-out fest in Bobby's car. I think that's probably what they were doing when they "lost" everyone else on the way to the mall. Yeah, that's right, they arrived there a bit later then the rest of "the group". Your daughter should have been the first among us to get kicked out. We shouldn’t have gotten kicked out because of what Patrick did, he wasn't even a student. Your daughter's actions put all of team group in danger, and we hadn't even met her before that night. Her slutty clothes that she changed into immediately upon leaving campus sure let us know that she is very "self centered and heartless" and all she wanted was a little fun with Bobby in the backseat. You owe Pat a huge apology. You and your daughter should be "horrified" at your own actions. How could you write something like that to Patrick? You need some serious help

Anonymous said...

Great video, although I had to watch it a second time to grasp the whole concept. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe it is about how people make assumations about another person's race without getting to know them first. Right?

motion-beam said...

patio furniture.. i love how sincere they sound. but i wonder why they got upset at him. did he do something that forsook his supposed nationality? he was gauking with no sence of gratitude for how hard his family had it when they first arrived here. maybe thats all. its also funny that hes in a different location than those girls are and some how they are confronting him on an almost face to face level. i think the video is about being proud to be who you are but somehow those girls kid themselves looking foolish in the end. especially the one who wanted make out. all together extremely confusing.
i think the clip was a spoof on other video clips whose intentions are to get important messages accrossed to ingnoramouses like me and you. but its just a spoof so...

Anonymous said...

i just came across this blog right now (thanks google). let me clarify this movie for you all. i made it for this 30sec video contest that was to be shown at an asian film festival. so, since i'm not asian (i'm the guy at the end), i thought i'd spoof that. at these film festivals, there's always someone that makes something really serious about heritage and asian pride, so i thought i'd poke fun at that. start off serious, then end it with a joke. it went over great and the movie received the biggest laughs. there's no special message behind it. basically, the movie's about making out with asian chicks... or better yet, chicks in general. awesome. rock on.