"excuse me, she has a flight in half an hour. can she get through!?" some lady says for her friend. well how do you think i feel? of course, i did sort of merge into the first class line already, but nobody needs to know. and keep an eye on that guy next to you. i'm first, buddy. oh no...you are not going to take the bin before me. you didn't.
change in pocket, watch on, wallet in, ipod playing, shoes tied, jacket zipped, got my laptop back, one bag in hand.
"sir, i need to look through your bag. apparently you have a scalpel..." grr, my x-acto.
"yeah, i forgot my x-acto is in the bag."
"sir, you can't take this-"
"i know, sorry, you can take it."
"sir, you're welcome to take this back out-"
"i don't need it. take it."
"sir, you-"
"hey, it's yours. i don't want it. i don't know--keep it, throw it away. uh..bye!" hurry, take my bag. go.
gate C2. good, it will be just off the escalator. grgh, C2 is all the way down the terminal. what happened to the conveyer belts in the hallway? I have to walk the length of the entire terminal. why, because i decided to carry on my luggage? stupid...stupid. finally, nearing the gate. C2...between C1 and C3, right? ok, so wha--? this is ridiculous.

they ever heard of numerical numbering??
Haha...damn airports...damn people in airports...Security irks me the most though. I mean come on...wonder what would happen if you just approached the metal detector in a speedo...then what?
that looks photoshopped to me
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