Dec 3, 2005

late nite at the earl

after a short session of drunk/srunkblogging last night, we all decided to get our groove on to a little swing music on mark's very own private dance floor. a little charleston and jitterbug as well as marks own rendition of "look at me i can kick my heels up and party" dance. surprisingly well done for the amount of practice he had. much later, after the night's merriment, mark and i went on to a show at the earl - which is HEARTed by all of atlanta's indie/scene kids. methane studios has done its part to establish the scene in atl with their top-notch poster design. unfortunately, the show sold out - a surprise for relatively little-known american analog set. the show must have sold out becasue the earl is such a small venue. i mean, who has ever really heard of these guys? well, i have, and i HEART them. ok, well, i like 'em well enough. after trying the back door (at least twice, if not more), asking around for extra tickets, and few cigs (mark, not me) we decided to head home. promptly, i went to bed. surprising for a friday night--but ok, because it was the first night this week i hadn't spent the night blogging away...

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