Dec 31, 2005

i HEART top 10's

everybody loves a good top 10 list. well--a top 5, at least. and as the last days in december are here, everyone is clamoring to be the first to repeat what everyone was saying sixth months ago.

you can read the top 10 music pics from mark or marian. or you can head over to the (apparent) latest essence-of-cool guru, josh spear, and read about his pics for the top music/books/food/design/trends/(OMGjoshspearis socool)
of the last year. everyone wants a piece of the action.

in honor the new year, the last year, and all of my friends and their love for the top 10, i will post my very own. the top 10 SHOULDN'T BE DONE's of 2005:

SBD #10: shopping at wal-mart. as always.

SBD #9: the atkins diet. the south beach diet. dieting. it's so 2002. let's all shop at wal-mart.

SBD #8: hitchhiking on milwaukee's i-94 on-ramp.

SBD #7: spederline. tomkat. jen + brad. the newlyweds. or knowing anything about them.

SBD #6: wearing a speedo to the airport.

SBD #5: especially after the world's disasterly year of storms, riding anything but a vespa.

SBD #4: michael jackson. neverland. his trial. but never his music.

SBD #3: iraq, and it not being over. let's just eat cake: welcome home, martha. welcome home.

SBD #2: the world as we know it. i'm calling for a recall of the world. make i-heart the new world. no--pink is the new world. make american idol/lost/trading spaces the new world. or starbucks/wal-mart/fedexkinkos. something. anything...

SBD #1: blogging. and everything involved.

happy new year! take a little SBD out of 2006 and have a super sweet new year.

1 comment:

Mark Weaver said...

I think the Walmart SBD should be #1