Dec 15, 2005

i HEART aqua

i have done the hostel thing. many a times, in fact. and i love the hostel thing. meeting the international not-quite-so-jet-set is always eye-opening and captivating.

however, after hours of transportation from the ft. lauderdale airport to south beach, i needed my own space. and the fact that the same crazy guy showed up at two different tram stations and decided last-minute to hop my bus, trying to be my buddy all along--took it's toll.

i like to make a parallel between my hoteling situation and shopping. when you need some hip, cool new trousers, or a jacket, or a t-shirt--but don't want to pay more than...well, as little as possible, actually-- you should shop at h&m. the quality sucks, but most viewers of your obviously un-paralleled fashion sense aren't nearly discriminating enough to make a negative comment.

so was staying at aqua hotel: the service was basic, the refurbishments were cheap, and the price was moderate. and the look was hip and cool. trendy and minimal. and i loved it. plus, there was free wi-fi and who doesn't HEART that? i have to admit: my thin pocket book would have liked the hostel, but my slightly discriminating tastes HEARTed the modern furniture, the rain-style shower head, and the concrete floor that was little more than the remains of ripped up carpet.

thanks aqua. thanks h&m. thanks.

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