Dec 5, 2005

HEART the bosom band

just don't ask me what the name means. maybe it has something to do with the breastlets that the girls wear.

merely weeks before i left the campus of pensacola christian college (i promise, that is the last time that i write those words), the hottest photo shoot in the history of the school was staged on the college's own unchaperoned sidewalks. with little more than pouty lips and a splash of perfume/cologne, these darlings took to the sidewalks for their modeling debut, and here is the result. i implore you: HEART the bosom band. because they certainly HEART you.


Anonymous said...

Kid, major props to you. Living the good life. Hanging with the pretty people. Drinking the excellent coffee. Your carefree, off-the-shoulder, PCC-less lifestyle is the envy of all and sundry. I'm anxiously awaiting further news of your adventures... and a phone call wouldn't be unwelcome, either. Yours and you know it,

Anonymous said...

Patrick you look like a much younger version of Keifer Sutherland. In a good way of course! (No, I was not checking you out.)