last night, i was in rare form sitting still before master pianist peter serkin as he performed wildly chaotic and entrancing pieces by schoenberg, bach and beethoven. while i have a feeling that many former pcc students were sitting at home watching american idol or battling halo enemies on xbox, this former student was happily habituated at the harris concert hall heeding the beautiful sounds happening onstage.
in one way, pcc has done it's job. it has trained at least one student to enjoy a few of the finer cultural allowances life has to offer. however, i think the school could have done a better job in one thing: it could have told me how to deal with all the gays i would encounter at such events.
Blackie says, "people listen and learn nest with their mouths open...laughing!"
I couldn't have said it better myself, blackie, I couldn't have said it better myself...
who would have thought there would be gay men at a classical music concert?? well,...i suppose if those ever-investigative minds at pcc studied the musicians whom they promote a little more closely, they just might have guessed...
I totally agree that more people should be interested in classical music. I grew up with it and look forward to finding a concert hall near my house.
One thing I noticed - PCC has revamped their site, so most of the links in this post don't work. If you want to promote your college, please fix the links.
Thanks, Josh
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