Mar 21, 2006

podcast tuesday

click here for podcast//2
on brooklyn, juicy fruit, and the disney channel


sean said...

ode to "to wish upon a star." that movie has been life changing for me. it has taken me from being a boring small-town kid who no one knows to a popular everyone-wants-to-talk-to-me kind of guy. i thank "to wish upon a star" every time a fresh face says, "hey i want to talk to you."

you know, i once saw a tv show - well it's british, brilliant, and brave - that reminded me of your wit, charm, and humor. i think it was called, "the office."

Anonymous said...

I enjoy being able to hear your voice anytime I want to - a novel idea! However, you need to refine your podcast etiquette a bit - you're stepping on Mark's lines a bit too much. Didn't your high school math teacher teach you any of those "practical" skills?