Mar 19, 2006

down from the mountain

i finished my last days in aspen with one last hike up highlands, dinner wih friends in the valley, and a few hours of work at the ballet office. at least i put in a few hours of work. i deserve it after having the rest of my aspen experience handed to me courtesy of all of my good friends in aspen.

that life can't be lived forever (at least for me: i don't have a trust fund). so, i took a drive down the hill into denver: a sign of my impending llifestyle change). as my craigslist transportaion didn't pan out as i had intended, i was able to get a cheap flight to atlanta, therefore making my destination just in time for a st. paddy's day celebration with mark.

however, in dedication to my last two years of colarado life, zander and i fed our eating frenzy at my favorite denver restaurant potager. somehow, i don't think my near travels will be filled with fine wine and expensive food. well, maybe they will, i just might actually have to work to pay for it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pat, you look a bit like James Stewart in that picture, and Mark somehow looks very feminine . . .