Mar 4, 2006

a weekend at the ranch

my time in aspen has not been onlyfrolicking in the snow, eating delicious (and expensive) food, hitch-hiking in place of vespa transportation, making money at the expense of aspenite millionaires and raging all night at aspen's 'hottest' venues. oh no. i have worked. i have worked hard.

several weeks ago, zander and i ventured north 3 hours to his family's ranch near the awkward town of craig, colorado. although i managed to squeeze in an hour on cross-country skis, most of the time was spent in hard manual labor: feeding the horses, opening up watering holes for the livestock, and toting bails of hay on the tractor. oh yeah--that was me driving the tractor, all right. this little city boy is a rough-and-tumble cowboy.

well, for a weekend at least.


Anonymous said...

Believe it,...the boy can drive a tractor - oohh yeah, John Deere, baby! ....and we're not talking garden variety either!

Unknown said...

Pat, are you sure that you weren't the one who was awkward? I not just talking about skiing . . . you look like you're about to eat a roadapple right off that poor horse's back.